Traditional Franklin Covey

This template is based on the Franklin Covey's Importance & Urgency quadrant approach, with grouping by Roles and Goals.

Open this template in menu File → New → From Template → Select 'Traditional Franklin Covey'

Add your tasks to the structure

On the Outline tab, tasks are organized into Roles and Goals as per Covey's system.

Each group has subprojects with subtasks, which are also ABCD prioritised using Contexts (#A, #B, #C and #D) and importance (little, less, normal).

Tip. Instead of contexts, you can use flags of different colors.

Add your tasks to Outline

Check your To-Do list

MLO pulls up a list of To-Do items based on your input.

Open Active Actions view to see all tasks that you can start doing now.

Or, you can open Active by Contexts to see the quadrants of more and less important tasks, sorted accordingly within each group:

Open your To-Do list

Note. Some contexts are set to be active at certain hours. For example, tasks with the context !A, !B, !C and !D are active only on weekdays from 7:30 AM till 5 PM. Learn more about Contexts.