How to quickly capture a task

The GTD concept of an inbox suggests: if something comes to your mind that you might want to act on in the future, throw it into an inbox without having to deal with any details. You can come back to it and make decisions about it later.


Inbox is ideal for your initial "brain dump". It is the place where you initially drop in all new, unsorted data: thoughts, ideas, tasks, etc. It is also a place to send tasks using the Rapid Text Entry window.

Once items have been placed in the Inbox in MLO, you can then access them either from the dedicated Inbox view or the special Inbox folder within the All Tasks view.

From there, you can manage your Inbox items:

  • all the additional propertiesfor each task (due date, context, etc.).
  • move it to another branch in your task hierarchy.

Learn how to quickly capture tasks into your MLO Inbox or directly in Outline with the options below.

Inbox view

You can open the Inbox view and add your tasks there:

Tip: you can assign a hotkey to quickly access the Inbox view: right-click on the view name → Assign hotkey.

Since ideas strike anytime and anywhere, you may need to use other tools for a quick task capture. Try Rapid Task Entry and Task by Email to send a task to MLO while working on other things.

Tip: Most of the time, your phone is the only tool. Use widgets and shortucts in MLO on Android and iOS to capture ideas on the go.

Task by Email

You can add items to your MLO Inbox by sending an email to a special email address created in your MLO Cloud account. It will be sent to the Cloud in the background and pushed to all connected devices on sync. The email title becomes the task and the email body is placed to notes. The detailed description can be found in this article.

Rapid Task Entry

Use Rapid Task Entry (RTE) to swiftly input tasks, even while working in other applications. It can be accessed from the MLO tray icon and via the hotkey Shift Ctrl M. You can also find it in the menu under ViewRapid task entry window.

Multiple task entry

Need to capture to Inbox many tasks at once? Check the "Multiple task entry". In this mode, each text line will be interpreted as a separate task when you press the Add task(s) button. You can use indentation to create subtasks.

Single task entry

Uncheck the "Multiple task entry" checkbox to have only one task added to Inbox when you press the "Add task" button. If the text you entered has more than one line, the first line will be used for the task name and the entire text (including the first line) will be placed in the task note.

Input parsing

You can type in all your task information — task name, start and due date, context, etc — into a single field. The built-in input parsing tool will automatically convert it into a task with the ready-made properties. Check "Parse input like..." to use this feature.

Supported syntax

Below you can find the reserved keywords for adding specific tasks by text.

Description Syntax
Sets a reminder Reminder, remind me, remind, rmd
Assigns a context Context, cont, @
Days of week, date and time in local format Monday, Mon
Tuesday, Tue
Wednesday, Wed
Thursday Thu
Friday, Fri
Saturday, Sat
Sunday, Sun
Special days today, tomorrow
Periods in X days, in X d, in X min, in X h, in 1 y
Puts a star -*
Sets a Start Date -start
Sets a Due Date -due
Hides a task in To-Do -h
Enables ‘Complete subtasks in order’ -o
Sets Importance -i1 to -i5
Sets Urgency -u1 to -u5
Sets Effort -e1 to -e5
Turns a task into a project -p
Turns a task into a folder -f
Sets a flag -fl<FlagName>
or -fl=<FlagName>

Example: 'Call Tom -flRed'
Sets a goal (for a week, month, year) -gw, -gm, -gy

Example: 'Send a report -gw'
Sets a text tag -tag

Example: 'Send a report -tagTom'
Sets font color -c<Color>

Example: 'Send a report -cr' will set font color to red
Sets min time required -t
Sets max time required -tm
Sets lead time for the task -l
Example: "Edit video -l3d4h"
Moves to a specific parent task -to<TaskName>
or -to=<TaskName>
Moves to a specific folder -tofld<FolderName>
or -tofld=<FolderName>

Example: 'Paint wall -tofldHome'
Moves to a specific project -toprj<ProjectName>
or -toprj=<ProjectName>

Example: 'Paint wall -toprjRenovation'
Putting the phrase in quotes prevents from parsing the keywords
"Remind Tom about the payment" tomorrow 2pm

  Note. Moving a task to another task, folder, or project only works with a one-word task name.

Other examples of the supported syntax:

Prepare report for Bob 3:10am 5/22
Prepare report for Bob 15:10 22/5 tomorrow 4pm
Organize party with my friends May 28th 2021 reminder May 23 2021 3pm
Send report to Bob in 3 days remind me tomorrow 2 pm
Call Jim tomorrow context @office; @calls
Send report next Tue 11am  context ProjectX 
Send report in 1 month 2 weeks 1 day @ ProjectX; Reports
Send report in 1 m 2 w 3 d
Call Sam -flRed
Ask Michael in 2 d remind in 3 h -i5 -star
"Inform about meeting with Bob April 10 2pm" tomorrow at 16:00 remind me 10 min

You can learn more about input parsing in our manual.

How to manage Inbox

Once you have everything captured, it's time to clarify and organize your Inbox items.

Follow the GTD two-minute rule: if it takes less than two minutes, then do it now. The rest should have additional classifying details like date due, context, reminder etc. and appropriate place in your task tree.

There are several ways you can move tasks out of Inbox:

  • In the All tasks view you can drag Inbox items into other folders or projects as needed to keep everything properly structured.
  • Open the Inbox view and hit F3. A helper window will open showing your inbox task list which it’s great for drag and drop. Bring up the Outline (or All Tasks) view in the main window. Select the task(s) in the helper window then drag them to the main window and drop them onto the target folder.
  • Tip: If the task tree is collapsed, drag the task to the destination branch and hold the mouse for a second — the next level of nesting will open.

  • Select the tasks you want to move then right-click on them, select "Move to" from the context menu, select the target folder from the popup window and click OK. To speed this up use a shorcut — Ctrl M.
  • Select a task or tasks and use the buttons on the MLO toolbar to move the tasks where you want them.

If you don't follow GTD, you can ignore Inbox and put new items directly in a folder/project where they belong. However, in this case the items may be not carefully thought out. Give Inbox a try and see if it works for you.

Parsing in Outline

When adding tasks directly in Outline, you can include additional details right away. Simply type in the task information using the supported syntax and press AltEnter – it will be automatically converted into a task with ready-made properties.

How to quickly capture a task

Sometimes you may keep too many different things in head, focus on ones and eventually lose sight of the others. We suggest that you let MLO remember everything for you, almost instantly.

MLO on Android includes several smart features that allow you to add new tasks very fast and on-the-go. Most of them are based on MLO Input Parser functionality used for quick and detailed task creation.

Add to Inbox

In MLO you can type in all your task information — task name, dates, context, etc — into a single field. The built-in input parsing tool will automatically convert it into a task with the ready-made properties. This option is called Rapid task entry in MLO-Windows, while it is referred to as Add to Inbox in the mobile version.


Inbox is ideal for your initial "brain dump". It is the place where you initially drop in all new, unsorted data: thoughts, ideas, tasks, etc.

The GTD concept of an inbox suggests: if something comes to your mind that you might want to act on in the future, throw it into an inbox without having to deal with any details. You can come back to it and make decisions about it later.

To quickly add a task:

  • Open 'Add to Inbox' from the main menu;
  • Type in task details like 'Send the report in 2 days @Office';
  • Tap 'Parse and preview';
  • Tap 'Save'.
  • Tip: Tap 'Edit' to add adjustments on the task properties screen. Or, tap 'Back' to edit text entered for parsing on the previous screen.

In the example below due date and context have been recognized and automatically set for the task:

Rapid Task Entry

Refer to the table below for a more detailed syntax description for both text and voice input.

Widget and Shortcut

Use shortcuts and widgets for frequent actions. Shortcut launches a specific action from the MLO app, while widget gives you instant access to the task list and several specific actions. A resizable MLO widget is like a mini MLO app that is always running on your homescreen.

With MLO shortcuts and widgets you can quickly:

  • Add a task
  • Add a task with a reminder
  • Add a task by voice
  • Add a task by voice with parsing
  • Open a view

Adding a task by voice with parsing is the fastest. Before using this action turn ON the parser in the Widget settings:

Voice input with widget

A few examples of basic voice-with-parsing commands:

Write an article start May 1 due May 5
Check discounts in 7 days remind in 3 hours star
Plan holidays to folder Rest star
Update statistics to project Research flag BLUE

Refer to the table below for a more detailed syntax description for both text and voice input.

Voice input with Google Assistant

Actions in Notifications

You don't even need to open the app to get things done. Just swipe down the notification shade and take action – add tasks, set reminders, open specific views, or search for information – all from any screen, even your lock screen.

How to set up

Go to the MLO settings: General settings → Actions in the notification area → Enable "Use actions in the notification area" (disabled by default). After that, the MyLifeOrganized logo icon will appear in the notification area.

Click the "+" icon next to each action to adjust its settings. You can drag and drop actions to your desired order.

Input Syntax (text and voice)

Below you can find the reserved keywords for adding specific tasks by text and voice.

Description Syntax (text and voice*)
Sets a reminder Reminder, remind me, remind, rmd, inform me, inform
Assigns a context Context, cont, @
Days of week, date and time in local format Monday, Mon
Tuesday, Tue
Wednesday, Wed
Thursday Thu
Friday, Fri
Saturday, Sat
Sunday, Sun
Special days Yesterday, today, tomorrow
Periods For/in X day(s), d,
X minute(s), min, m
X hour(s), h
X month(s), m
X year(s), y
Puts a star -star
Sets a Start Date -start
Sets a Due Date -due
Sets a text tag -tag<TagName>

Text input example: 'Send a report -tagTom'
Hides a task in To-Do -h
Enables ‘Complete subtasks in order’ -o
Sets Importance -i1 to -i5
Sets Urgency -u1 to -u5
Sets Effort -e1 to -e5
Turns a task into a project -p
Turns a task into a folder -f
Sets a flag -fl<Flag Name>

Text input example: 'Send a report -fl<Red flag>'
Voice input example: 'Send a report flag Red'
Sets a goal (for a week, month, year) -go<GoalName>

Text input example: 'Send a report -goWeekly'
Sets min time required -t
Sets max time required -tm
Moves to a specific parent task -to<Task Name>
or -to=<TaskName>

Text input example: 'Buy milk to<Shopping List> '
Voice input example: 'Buy milk, to task Shopping'
Moves to a specific folder -tofld<Folder Name>
or -tofld=<FolderName>

Text input example: 'Paint wall -tofldHome'
Voice input example: 'Paint wall to folder Home';
Moves to a specific project -toprj<Project Name>
or -toprj=<ProjectName>

Text input example: 'Paint wall -toprjRenovation'
Voice input example: 'Paint wall to project Renovation';
Putting the phrase in quotes prevents from parsing the keywords
"Call Bob tomorrow and remind about the meeting" in 1d remind in 10h"

 * Syntax in bold works with voice input.

 Use brackets < > with task names consisting of multiple words (for example, <Home Renovation>). If the name is a single word, brackets are optional.

Voice input parsing only supports single words for task names, flags, folders, and project names.

 When the word is single and the searched item (task, folder, etc.) is not found by the name, another item starting with the same name is searched.

Here are more examples of text input:

Prepare report for Bob 3:10am 5/22
Prepare report for Bob 15:10 22/5 tomorrow 4pm
Organize party with my friends May 28th 2018 reminder May 23 2018 3pm
Send report to Bob in 3 days remind me tomorrow 2 pm
Call Jim tomorrow context @office; @calls
Send report next Tue 11am  context ProjectX
Send report in 1 month 2 weeks 1 day @ ProjectX; Reports
Send report in 1 m 2 w 3 d
Ask Michael in 2 d remind in 3 h -i5 -star
"Inform about meeting with Bob April 10 2pm" tomorrow at 16:00 remind me 10 min

How to quickly capture a task

Sometimes you may keep too many different things in head, focus on ones and eventually lose sight of the others. We suggest that you let MLO remember everything for you, almost instantly.

MLO on iOS offers a text Input Parser functionality used for quick and detailed task creation.

Add to Inbox

In MLO you can type in all your task information — task name, start and due date, context, etc — into a single field. The built-in input parsing tool will automatically convert it into a task with the ready-made properties. This option is called Rapid task entry in MLO-Windows, while it is referred to as Add to Inbox in the mobile version.


Inbox is ideal for your initial "brain dump". It is the place where you initially drop in all new, unsorted data: thoughts, ideas, tasks, etc.

The GTD concept of an inbox suggests: if something comes to your mind that you might want to act on in the future, throw it into an inbox without having to deal with any details. You can come back to it and make decisions about it later.

To quickly add a task:

  • Open 'Add to Inbox' from the main menu;
  • Type in task details like 'Send the report in 2d @Office';
  • Tap 'Parse and preview';
  • Tap 'Save'.

This way the necessary properties (due date and context) have been recognized and automatically set for the task:

Add to Inbox

Here are more examples and supported syntax:

Prepare report for Bob 3:10am 5/22
Prepare report for Bob 15:10 22/5 tomorrow 4pm
Organize party with my friends May 28th 2018 reminder May 23 2018 3pm
Send report to Bob in 3 days remind me tomorrow 2 pm
Call Jim tomorrow context @office; @calls
Send report next Tue 11am  context ProjectX
Send report in 1 month 2 weeks 1 day @ ProjectX; Reports
Send report in 1 m 2 w 3 d
Ask Michael in 2 d remind in 3 h -i5 -star
"Inform about meeting with Bob April 10 2pm" tomorrow at 16:00 remind me 10 min

You can find these examples and reserved words inside the app. Refer to the table below for a more detailed syntax description for both text and voice input.

3D Touch and Widget

Use these options for frequent actions. You can access them through the widget pane or by force pressing the MLO app icon.

3D Touch/ Widget iOS

With 3D Touch and Widget you can quickly:

  • Add a task
  • Add a task with a reminder
  • Open a view
  • Search tasks
  • Open URL

You can set up actions at MLO → Settings → 3D Touch/ Widget.

iOS Shortcuts

You can interact with MLO through the Shortcuts app (formerly Workflow). It allows you to combine actions from any app into one-tap shortcuts, which can be run from the app, widget, or with Siri. For example, by running a shortcut you can create a reminder to call a person from your contact list.

Refer to this guide for more information and ready-made shortcuts.

Syntax for text input

Below you can find the reserved keywords for adding specific tasks by text.

Description Syntax
Sets a reminder Reminder, remind me, remind, rmd
Assigns a context Context
Days of week, date
and time in local format
Monday, Mon
Tuesday, Tue
Wednesday, Wed
Thursday Thu
Friday, Fri
Saturday, Sat
Sunday, Sun
Special days Yesterday, today, tomorrow
Periods in X days, in X d, in X min, in X h, in X m, in 1 y
Puts a star -*
Sets a Start Date -start
Hides a task in To-Do -h
Enables ‘Complete subtasks in order’ -o
Sets Importance -i1
Sets Urgency -u1
Sets Effort -e1
Turns a task into a project -p
Turns a task into a folder -f
Moves to a specific parent task -to<Task Name>
or -to=TaskName
Moves to a specific folder -tofld<Folder Name>
or -tofld=FolderName
Moves to a specific project -toprj<Project Name>
or -toprj=ProjectName
Putting the phrase in quotes prevents from parsing the keywords
"Call Bob tomorrow and remind about the meeting" in 1d remind in 10h

 When <Task Name> is in brackets, more than one word can be put. If the word is single, then brackets can be omitted.

 When the word is single and the searched item (task, folder, etc.) is not found by the name, another item starting with the same name is searched.